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The Startup Scaling Bootcamp

Discover the formula to Building a scalable startup that
generates 7 figures using the autopilot scalability blue print.
9 week live & interactive online program

100% money back guarantee no questions asked
within the first 10 days


This program is designed and tailored for entrepreneurs, founders & start up CEO’s that want to structure, grow, scale & attract investments for their businesses but are struggling to achieve the success they want.

Is it really for me?

Are you struggling to...

Grow and scale your business efficiently with your existing capital

Eliminate self-doubt and learn the tools you need to run a successful startup that will create the impact you want

Gain high traction & retain your existing customers

Manage your startup’s financials and never run out of cash

Build the right team for the success you want

Manage your day-to-day operations effectively

Master the art of fundraising and attracting investors

After the program you will...

Understand the different reasons that are holding your startup back from reaching its potential, and learn what needs to be done to achieve the growth and scalability you are looking for

Gain the knowledge, the foundation and understand the skills you need to have the ability and the confidence  to build a successful startup that will create the impact you dream about

Learn the most cost effective tools and strategies to gain customer acquisition, loyalty, retention and build a customer centric business

Learn how to project your finances, manager your cashflow, build a financial model and achieve profitability, and how to ensure you never suddenly run out of cash

Learn how to attract, retain, manage, and lead a team that will be part of your business’s success story

Learn how to effectively manage your time, use different tools and methods, and utilize technology and automation to help you have a smooth operation and focus on what creates real growth for your startup

Learn the knowledge you need to master fund raising, how to attract the right investors for your startup, and how to pitch to them like a pro

Then this program is exactly for you!

We accept a very limited number of entrepreneurs in the program to make sure each entrepreneur gets the right support they need to succeed

Who is behind the Program


Hi, I am, Tarek El Gammal your SSB program instructor

Mentored & Trained 100's of Entrepreneurs across the 5 continents

Startup scaling Expert & Coach

Startup mentor with several VC’s and accelerators

Serial entrepreneur

Active Angel Investor

Founder & CEO of Ubuntu Consulting Group

10 years of regional corporate experience with MNCs Like Pepsi co. Sadia int, & Kantar Consulting

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Featured On

Forbes Middle East Under 30

Interviewed by Lamis El Hadidi TV Program.

Hona El Assema TV Program - report on egrocery

E-Today Magazine

PrimeMag - Top 10 brands for eating healthier

Inspiring Egyptians Magazine

7 Days Magazine

egy todayegytoday
prime mag
egy todayegytoday
prime mag

Tarek worked with many distinguished companies across his years of commitment to entrepreneurship and the startup ecosystem, with the likes of:

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More about Tarek's

Raised 7 figure investments for two start-ups in less than 3 weeks

While supporting startups to raise funds I managed to raise 7 figure investments for two of startups I work with in less than 3 weeks from start to finish

Trained & Mentored 100s of entrepreneurs across 5 continents

Since 2016 I have trained, mentored and coached 100s of entrepreneurs and CEO’s in different parts of the world on how to grow, scale, and attract investments for their business

Started my first startup at the age of 24 with 1,000 USD in my bank

In 2004 I moved to Dubai and started my first business at the age of 24. I managed to turn my business profitable in the 1st year with a starting capital of 1,000 USD

Founded 4 Startups in different industries in the past 16 years

Since 2004 after starting my first business, I managed to start another 4 businesses in the tourism, F&B retail, Ecommerce, and the restaurant Industries. Managed to raise 7 digit investments from Institutional and Individual investors. 

How We Help You Grow & Scale

I will take you through a proven, simple and structured step by step process to grow and scale your business to create the success you want

9 Week Program

9 week Live & Interactive Online Program

Discover the formula to Building a scalable startup that generates 7 figures using the autopilot scalability blue print.

1 on 1 Coaching

If you prefer to work personally with Tarek El Gammal

He offers a 1 on 1 coaching program for 3 months, where you get the opportunity to work directly with him on a weekly basis to structure, grow and scale your business

What Are Entrepreneurs Saying About Tarek?

Jennifer Moeller Gulland
Founder & CEO of The Water Risk Academy
Berlin, Germancy

Dina Kafafi
Co-founder of Sinaweya
Cairo, Egypt

Rami Lucas photo

Rami Lucas

CEO at Alfanny trading
I rebuilt a proper foundation for the company, and learnt tools to help me take educated decisions

Cairo, Egypt
Madiha Mansour photo

Madiha Mansour

Founder & CEO of Bawabat
Helped me look at things from different perspectives, put my financials together, and build a plan for moving forward
Los Angeles, USA
Tony   Andris photo

Tony Andris

Founder and CEO of JAAC

Tarek has great experience in his field, and was able to help point me in the right direction when it came to setting the right strategy and attracting investors.

Barcelona, Spain
Kenzy Abdalla photo

Kenzy Abdalla

CEO of Trimoon

I had a great experience working with Tarek, I learned how to research the market, and understand my customer. I received a lot more value than I expected.

Cairo, Egypt
Alexander Wagner photo

Alexander Wagner

Co-Founder of JAAC

I learned how to adjust my strategies to attract investors and understood how investors think.

Berlin, Germany

What's Inside the SSB Program

  1. Building your success mindset – The business can only go as far as the entrepreneur, so unless you develop yourself the business will never develop. learning how to shatter your limiting and build the foundation for a success mindset.
  2. Developing your business scalability matrix – Learning the core variables of a scalable business and how to identify them. Understanding and developing yourself as an entrepreneur, identifying your strength, your strongest skills, and your passion. Learning the research tools used by successful startups to understand their markets, industries, competition and target audience without spending 1000’s of USD. Then identifying the opportunity with the highest scalability and returns for your startup.
  3. Defining your business strategy – Learning how to develop a winning strategy for your business to guarantee your success in the current turbulent and competitive markets. Learning how to set your strategic objectives and create the optimum system to set your targets and achieve your goals.
  4. Learning the basic financials knowledge you need to run a business – Entrepreneurs don’t need to be accountants or financiers but there are some basics they must know to be able to run a successful business and manage their accountants. Learn how to ready the basic financial statements and asses the financial health of your business without being an accounting professional.
  5. Building your business and financial model –The entrepreneurs most important task is to make sure his/her business never runs out of cash and that’s only possible with the right business and financial model. Learn how to identify the optimum profitability strategy for your business. And understand how to select the right time and strategy for monetizing from your product/service. Learn how to build accurate projections to reflect your financial position and highlight your businesses financial needs.
  6. Developing your business tracking dashboard – Learning how to develop a dashboard for your business that includes all the ratios and metrics you need to monitor, track, analyze and evaluate the performance of your business. Asses your business performance, compare your business to your industry standards, foresee and fix issues before they escalate, and scale your business with educated decisions.
  7. Automating your business and building your team – If there is name for this era, it would definitely be the tech era. Learn how to utilize the different tools available nowadays to benefit from automating and digitizing your business to increase your efficiency, reduce human error, cut expenses, reduce bottlenecks, and automate the repetitive tasks. Your business success depends heavily on having the right team. Learn how to attract, retain, manage, and lead a team that will drive your business forward creating the business success you want.
  8. The autopilot scalability blueprint – Learn how to differentiate your business from the competition, position yourself as the go to brand for your target audience, and build a community of loyal customers around your brand that will act as your brand ambassadors. Understand the magical formula of continuously acquiring new customers, retaining your existing customers, and scaling your business automatically.
  9. Mastering the art of fundraising and attracting investors – Learn how to determine if your business requires funding, understanding the different methods of investment, the different types of investors, and how to select the right investment method and investor type for your business. Understand the different methods for startup valuation commonly used by VC’s and Angel investors. Learn what are investors looking for, and how to attract them to invest in your business.

What you get in the
SSB program

Weekly Prerecorded Training Sessions

9 x Weekly Prerecorded Training Sessions
Value $1499

tarek collateral face

9 x Weekly Live Q&A Sessions
Value $898


9 x PDF Training Workbooks
Value $598


36 x Ready to Use Business Tools & Templates
Value $1149


Review Of Your Business Plan By Tarek El Gammal
Value $598


Bonus - Startup Scaling Bootcamp Certificate
Valued at Priceless


Bonus - Lifetime Access
Valued at Priceless


Bonus - Accountability partner
Valued at Priceless


Bonus - Private Facebook Community
Valued at Priceless

Total Value received

We are only charging a tuition of

Why is this a great deal

I thought hard about how to price this program, my first thought was … what is the actual value that entrepreneurs get? I then realised that:

  1. I am sharing the same tools, knowledge, and know how I’ve been using with industry leaders to help them grow  & scale their businesses; so you could do exactly the same!
  2. It took me 16 years to learn what I’ll teach you in 9 weeks!
  3. You won’t just learn the theory, I will take you though a step-by-step process to practically apply everything you learn and achieve your success.

So I initially decided on a premium price of $9,485  … actually it’s very much likely to go up to that price. However, I’ve always been passionate about sharing my business growth & scaling knowledge to create an impact

So I decided to offer this 9 week live and interactive program –  for just $1,770 or $600 over 3 monthly payments

100% money back guarantee
If you are not totally in love with the program, get your money back no questions asked during the first 10 days

Spaces are limited!
Due to the live and interactive nature of this program and to ensure that each entrepreneur can get the support they need from me at every step of the way, we only accept 12 entrepreneurs per cohort … This means the spots are very limited
To secure your place, you’ll have to be quick!

9 Week Program

1 payment
  • Prerecorded Training Sessions
  • Live Q&A Sessions
  • PDF Training Workbooks
  • Ready to Use Business Tools & Templates
  • Review Of Your Business Plan by Tarek El Gammal
  • Startup Scaling Bootcamp Certificate
  • Lifetime Access
  • Accountability Partner
  • Private Facebook Community



** 12 participants only

9 Week Program

3 payments
  • Prerecorded Training Sessions
  • Live Q&A Sessions
  • PDF Training Workbooks
  • Ready to Use Business Tools & Templates
  • Review Of Your Business Plan by Tarek El Gammal
  • Startup Scaling Bootcamp Certificate
  • Lifetime Access
  • Accountability Partner
  • Private Facebook Community



** 12 participants only

3 months 1 on 1

1 payment
  • Direct emails with Tarek
  • Direct what’s app with Tarek
  • 1 on 1 Training Sessions with Tarek
  • Live Q&A Sessions
  • PDF Training Workbooks
  • Ready to Use Business Tools & Templates
  • Review Of Your Business Plan by Tarek El Gammal
  • Startup Scaling Bootcamp Certificate
  • Lifetime Access
  • Accountability Partner
  • Private Facebook Community
** positions are very limited To 3 participants only

Whats Next?

To be considered for a place on this program please follow these steps:

  1. Start your onboarding by watching our Sartup Scaling MASTERCLASS Introduction
  2. You must fill out our application form for SSB program by completing 9 simple questions
  3. Schedule an enrolment call with Tarek

In the call Tarek will assess your suitability for the program to ensure your money is well invested and that you are in the right stage to benefit the most from the program. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you need and discuss your appropriate payment option.

Selected applicants will be given a place on a first-come first-serve basis, to guarantee a spot you’ll need to apply now.

Together we can ENVISION, TRANSFORM and SCALE your business